REATING MORE SATISFYING RELATIONSHIPS: AN ONGOING PROCESS… To be ………………. is to be in relationships. When we think of the conflicts, confusions, anger, disappointments, insecurities, uncertainties, etc., that each of us experiences within our own ‘selves’ from time to time …should we be surprised that our relationships with others are not always smooth sailing? If we sometimes […]
General Semantics: An Overview Every now and again, students of general semantics are asked: “What is general semantics? The abstractions (selections) below represent an overview. They do not answer the question as asked: It is translated to “What is general semantics […]
Note: This essay may also be found here under Formal Essays & Handouts. Lonergan And Korzybski Towards a deeper understanding of self, others and the world we live in. We have […]
Some Thoughts on Consciousness of Abstracting, Meaning, And Truth Towards a saner world. In his seminal book “Science And Sanity”, […]
Korzybski, valued science and mathematics as models of “human thinking at it’s best” (in terms of predictability). He created-offered “General Semantics” as generalized science and mathematics. An important characteristic of science and mathematics involves “time-binding”: reviewing, modifying, abandoning, and refining previously held views, opinions, beliefs, paradigms, theories, definitions, experiments, actions, etc. Expanding our vocabulary, and […]
Please view my wall hanging from 1976 titled “Creative Being.”
Please read this article at the site and let me ‘know’ what you think –for or against. Milton
I’ve recently written an essay titled “Advanced Thinking” on mathematics, general semantics, and ways to improve relationships. I’ve posted it in the Formal Essays & Handouts section of my website. You can read the essay here.
A t-shirt I designed featuring a portrait of Alfred Korzybski on the front and my “chalice” handout on the back titled “Practicing Conscious Time-Binding” made an appearance at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan at the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ben Hauck appears in the photos wearing the shirt. The portrait on the front is by […]
I have recently updated my essay “Abstractions from Lonergan’s Insight: A Study of Human Understanding on Transcendence.” You can download the colorful handout version by clicking here. For more insights into the essay, click here.
I have recently updated my essay “Thinking about Thinking.” You can download the colorful handout version by clicking here. For more insights into the essay, click here.
Please note that my new essay titled “No One Saw It Coming?: Korzybski’s Concerns, Predictions, and Time-Binding Suggestions” is available in my Formal Papers & Essays section, under the heading “Science & Technology.” You can also immediately read the essay by clicking here.
I listened to some of the ‘debate’ re. “Don’t ask, don’t tell”. A representative “Susan Collins” commented “We welcome the service of these individuals who want to serve their country……”. I am wondering: Would it not make a big difference in terms of support for dropping this rule if just one word was changed in […]
Recently I updated the “chalice” featured in my essay, “Practicing Conscious Time-Binding.” You may view the updated chalice by clicking here.
Where are the critical thinkers? Is there no one with enough courage to suggest that a statement referring to the constitutional rights of a group, and a statement about the wisdom of that group making a decision based on those rights, is not “being inconsistent, flip flopping, back tracking”, etc., as I have heard on […]
The abstractions below could be seen-labelled “crazy thinking, far out, a stretch” and so on. But in my opinion, doing that would be invalidating the fields of psychoanalysis and psychology…implying that they were irrelevant to advancing our understanding of human behavior. It would be denying the general semantics premise proposing relationship between language, attitude, behaviour, etc. And also […]
Corporate Dictatorship? As trusts or groups have replaced the theoretically ‘individual’ capitalism in the United States of America, so will the state capitalism, replace the trusts, to be replaced in its turn by international capitalism. Science And Sanity, Page 272 As we learned lately, not only human achievements, but also human disasters, are mostly interrelated and […]
I invite you to do some time-binding and improve the proposal below. Design the “financial reform laws” to include the following: “It’s illegal to institute or activate any new or amended ‘instruments’ created by a registered ‘financial institution’ before submitting such new or amended instrument to regulatory committees for review and approval.
Thinking comes natural for us but clear thinking, thinking from higher viewpoints, remembering the bigger picture, and the longer cycle usually do not come to us naturally. Improving our thinking skills will help us improve our day to day interactions, minimize stressfull encounters, and create more satisfying personal and professional relationships. One very effective way to practice […]
I have recently updated my essay titled “Developing a Self a General Semantics Way.” Click here to read the recently updated essay.
More of a good thing does not mean better. Capitalism built America. But more and more unregulated capitalistic activity could destroy America. What do you think?
I have put online two different writings: a poem titled “Festina Lente” and an essay titled “Much Ado about Nothing.” I hope you’ll give them a read. Both can be found in my Formal Essays & Handouts section, and come in online-readable and .pdf formats.
I have an essay of mine published in the new issue of ETC: A Review of General Semantics. It is titled “Thoughts on Space, Time, Awareness, and Difference2008.” You can read it by clicking here.