General Semantics Advanced Thinking
A System-Discipline Concerned with the Sanity of the Race & The Individual
Let’s Be ‘Greatfull’
Posted: 10.28.2023 | Categories: Writings

Cross-posted at

A great  deal has been said and written about politicians taking away rights in Quebec Canada. I will add  this: We should all feel and “Be ‘Greatfull'” that we live in Canada. (And I emphasize “All”). Throughout history, many living in countries with racial  differences, not only have suffered from rights  being taken away…But lives…And all the people were  affected.

I  will also add this:  There may be a political strategy being exercised by some Quebec politicians over the years: “Find ways to keep  “Harassing the  English — More and More  of  them will  leave…Less and less will want to come and live in Quebec.” If this works. There will be “More and more  power to politicians.” Many fool the people with Nationalistic Myths that “You (the people),  and the nation will benefit.”   So far. Again “Let’s be ‘Greatfull'”. Not all the people are fooled.

Politicians are the ones who usually benefit and become  more powerful. Many start with a genuine concern to represent the people. Then. Since their re-election depends a great deal on party support…There is a shift from representing the people, to representing the party. Then when thy feel confident that their position is strongly bolstered by the party –They feel sufficiently powerful to make the shift to representing themselves…All the while making sure to tout, repeat, and reinforce, the Nationalistic Myth, that any change they introduce is for “The good of the people and the nation.” I think of this behavior as “‘Democratic’ Dictatorship”.

I think that “The Democratic Experiment” will be enhanced, if more politicians stop behaving those ways. The Democratic Experiment is based on “A theory of Human, Possible Good Satisfying Relationship”, and is still being non-consciously, not deliberately, tested…Although unfortunately, there are claims of being Democratic: Claims that ensure there will be no democratic improvement in testing the theory. Why change what is already achieved??? We don’t usually keep wanting what we already have? Individuals who do that are considered and labelled “Crazy”.

Do you think politicians would, will ever, allow the “Teaching of Democracy as a Theory”??? Would that be too much of a radical, drastic, political, educational, international shift!!! I presently think so.

What do you think? I am anxious to ‘hear’ your story, about my story, about these goings on.

Milton Dawes

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